‘I would just like to say how much of a success our office opening was last week.
A huge thank you goes out on behalf of myself, the MD and the rest of the Sys Pro team to both yourself and the catering staff for helping us host such a successful evening.
When running similar events I often make a mental note on any improvements that could be made for future occasions. In this case I could think of none. The communication and organisation by yourself beforehand was greatly appreciated.
The catering team; chef, waitress and two barmen, did an amazing job from set up to close.
The barmen ensured that no drink went un offered and glass unfilled, our waitress for the evening provided a top notch service and must have covered a few miles attending to our guests. I can only apologise for any blisters she may be left with.
Lastly a big thank you to the chef who provided a delicious assortment of canapés and had the patience of a saint whilst working in such a confined space.’
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