Quinoa has become a real staple of mine, and not just while just trying for our baby. It’s a really versatile ingredient and one that can be used in lots of different savoury and sweet recipes. It’s also a great source of protein, so essential for helping keep you strong and healthy. I always make my porridge with almond milk, as I think it adds a delicious creaminess and nutty flavour. Almond milk is very high in B vitamins and iron, which can help guard your body against miscarriage.
80g quino
a200ml almond mil
kor cows’ mil
k150ml wate
r1 tsp ground cinnamo
n2 tbsp runny honey
1 pear, skin on and grated
1 banana, mashed
1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
2 tsp flax seed
1. Wash the quinoa under cold water and place in a saucepan. Pour over the milk and water and add the cinnamon, then bring to the boil over a medium heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat and leave to gently simmer for 15–20 minutes, stirring regularly to stop it sticking to the bottom of the pan. Add the honey and stir well.
2. Add in the grated pear and mashed banana, stirring them through before dividing the porridge between bowls. Top with the seeds and serve.
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