With a glut of vitamin C rich, juicy, baby plum tomatoes about at the moment I couldn’t resist throwing this cheeky sauce/salsa together this week. Traditionally made using all roasted ingredients I’ve tried to simplify it for a mid-week super. This Catalonia sauce is amazing mixed through pasta, served with steak, grilled fish or lamb chops. If that doesn’t float your foodie boat, try it topped on asaparagus, mixed through quinoa or cous cous and even served on top of toasted Ciabatta and drizzled with lashings of extra virgin olive oil.
Roasted Red Peppers, Ripe Tomatoes, Blanched Almonds and Garlic….yes, yes, yes, yes pleasasssse!!
200g Baby plum tomatoes, roughly chopped
200g Ready roasted red peppers, chopped
1 Clove Garlic, grated
2 tbsp Sherry or apple cider vinegar
70g Whole blanched almonds, chopped
1tsp Red chilli, chopped
200mls Extra virgin olive oil
15g Flat leave parsley
Salt and pepper
Mix all the ingredient above together in a bowl and leave to marinade out of the fridge for a minimum of 2 hours to allow all the flavours to macerate and combine.
Serve with any of the suggestions above. Perfect for BBQ season.
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