Semi fredo is the best option when it comes to making ice-creamy things at home with out the aid of a ice cream machine.
You don’t need to churn this and can be serve in slices rather than your classic balls of ice cream which is quiet nice if you fancy.
Technically you can put in what you like, as with any ice cream, but i like to keep it simple. The great thing about this recipe is it can be jazzed up with a splash of booze if you fancy it. However if you add to much it will stop the semi fredo setting, so go easy.
If you want to serve it in slices you will need a 500g loaf tin or a terrine mould lined with cling film. If not a bowl will be fine and it can be spooned or scooped out when set.
Zest 4 lemons, juice of 2
Zest 3 limes, juice of 1
4 egg yolks
4 egg whites
100g caster sugar
500mls double cream
Juice and zest the lemons and the limes and set to one side
Lightly whip the double cream until at soft peak stage. (this means when you lift the whisk out, the peaks slowly drop back down into the mix)
Now whisk the egg yolks and sugar until pale and fold in the cream.
Now whisk the egg whites to firm peaks, with a tiny pinch a salt. Use a clean bowl which has been rubbed with a lemon to remove any excess grease. Any grease will prevent the whites from whisking.
Now gently, using a metal spoon fold the egg whites ¼ by ¼ into the cream. When all combined add in the zest and juice.
At this stage if you want a kick, add a splash of Gin or vodka (no more than 50mls)
Pour into your mould and leave to set in the freezer for about 2 hours. Serve with fresh berries and a splash more booze for a special occasion.
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