By Sophie Wright, chef and Easy Cheesey Chèvre Ambassador
In these days of economic gloom we are always looking at ways of making our budgets stretch. But that doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice taste. Here at Easy Cheesey Chèvre Towers, I’ve put together a set of delicious recipes using French goat’s cheeses which are not only easy to make, but won’t break the bank.
This is a salad that should be eaten warm. It is very simple to prepare and the flavours are all fresh and exciting. The sweetness of this salad works extremely well with the mild or mature Crottin de Chavignol and the bitterness from the endive balances it perfectly. Bright and colourful it is perfect as a side dish, starter, main course or lunch.
A slightly barrel-shaped squat cylinder with a natural, bloomy rind, the Crottin de Chavignol has a light, smooth texture and is easy to cut. It ranges from smooth and creamy to dry and crumbly. For a stronger flavour, wait for the rind of the cheese to turn bluish.
It is available in good supermarket deli counters and specialist cheese shops.
Serves 4 Prep time 20 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Pre heat grill to medium
Approximate cost per portion £2.50
4 Crottin de Chavignol (mild or mature depending on your taste)
100g walnuts
2 firm pears
4 heads yellow endive
50g brown sugar
2 tbsp icing sugar
Juice and zest 1 orange
50mls olive oil
½ baguette
50mls white wine (optional)
2 tbsp pomegranate seeds (optional)
50g basil leaves
Runny honey to serve
To serve, scatter the walnuts over the grilled salad, tear over a few basil leaves, sprinkle with the pomegranate seeds and drizzle with honey and olive oil.
For further information or recipes please visit: or contact
0207 312 3644
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