A wonderfully naughty-but-nice snack for the morning. It’s sweet but goes fantastically well with savoury breakfast fare. We love pork and apple so why not bacon and eggs with banana? (That sorry old brown one sitting in the fruit bowl is fine, incidentally.) And, in case you were wondering, these indulgent delights go equally well with lashings of maple syrup and a splodge of crème fraîche.
Makes 6-8
250g plain fl our
2 teaspoons baking powder
Pinch of salt
1 tablespoon caster sugar
2 eggs
Drop of vanilla extract
1 ripe banana, mashed with a fork
About 300ml milk
A large handful of juicy blueberries
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
50g butter
As featured in “Easy Peasy: Laid-back food for lazy days”
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