The Ideal Cocktail for a Summers Day BBQ!
This is a Mojito that will most certainly give you a little kick. You don’t want to make it so spicy that it blows your head off, you just want a little twinge at the back of your throat that tells you you’ve just had chilli. The ginger freshens the drink up really nicely goes so well with the classic minty rum based cocktail.
Prep time 10 minutes
Makes 8 cocktails
500mls golden spiced rum
10 brown sugar cubes
3 large red chillies, cut into fine strips
4 inches ginger, peeled and cut into fine strips
6 limes, cut into 1/8 s
40 mint leaves
8 tbsp sugar syrup
Crushed ice
400mls apple juice (optional)
I. Prepare the chilli and the ginger and place into a bowl with the sugar, the limes and the mint. Using the end of a rolling pin, crush all the ingredients together well. (you can do this is a pestle and mortar) Leave this covered in the fridge until the party starts. When your guests start to arrive, spoon out a tbsp of the mint and lime mix, making sure everyone gets a little bit of everything and place into a glass with crushed ice. Add 1 tbsp of gomme to each cocktail and mix this around before topping up with golden rum. I add a splash of apple juice to sweeten it up a bit usually. (and make it a bit less leathal)
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